Dmitri Young, PhD, MS

Principal Investigator

Impulsivity as a multifactorial construct and its relationship to PTSD severity and threat sensitivity.

Psychiatry research

Young DA, Neylan TC, Zhang H, O'Donovan A, Inslicht SS

Association among anterior cingulate cortex volume, psychophysiological response, and PTSD diagnosis in a Veteran sample.

Neurobiology of learning and memory

Young DA, Chao L, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A, Metzler TJ, Inslicht SS

The interaction of BDNF Val66Met, PTSD, and child abuse on psychophysiological reactivity and HPA axis function in a sample of Gulf War Veterans.

Journal of affective disorders

Young DA, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A, Metzler T, Richards A, Ross JA, Inslicht SS