Anne Richards, MD, MPH

Principal Investigator
+1 415 221-4810 ext. 3312

Anne Richards, M.D., M.P.H., is a PTSD, sleep, and sex differences researcher in the Stress and Health Research Program at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. Dr. Richards also serves as an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Francisco and is a Staff Psychiatrist at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. Dr. Richards completed her undergraduate education at Harvard University and subsequently received her M.D. and M.P.H. from Columbia University. 

Dr. Richards has expertise in the treatment of PTSD and sleep disorders gained through years of experience treating male and female veterans with PTSD with medication and psychotherapy. In 2015, she transitioned from a predominantly clinical role at the SFVAMC/UCSF to a VA research Career Development Award focused on understanding how sleep disturbance contributes to the consolidation and maintenance of PTSD in male and female veterans. 

Her primary research interests are: 1) Sleep disturbance and understanding the ways in which sleep and disturbed sleep contribute to cognitive function and posttraumatic mental illness, 2) sex differences in the neurobiology of PTSD and factors contributing to differential risk for posttraumatic mental illness (especially PTSD) in women, and 3) translating evidence into effective psychopharmacological and therapy interventions for posttraumatic stress and related sleep disturbances.

Dr. Richards is the principal investigator on projects funded by the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Veteran Affairs, and the University of California, San Francisco. She has also served as co-investigator on several DoD, VA, and NIH - funded projects performed at the San Francisco VA Medical Center.  


Distressing Dreams in Trauma Survivors: Using a sleep diary mobile app to reveal distressing dream characteristics and their relationship to symptoms and suicidal ideation in trauma-exposed adults.

SLEEP Advances

Anne Richards, Anthony Santistevan, Miles Kovnick, Polina Orlova, Leslie Yack, Emily Berg, Shane Pracar, Thomas Metzler, Thomas Neylan, Steven Woodward

0054 PTSD Severity Moderates the Association Between N3 Nested Sleep Spindles and Emotional Memory.


Anne Richards, Nikhilesh Natraj, Anthony Santistevan, Leslie Yack, Steven Woodward, Daniel Mathalon, Thomas Neylan

0656 Evaluating the Interrelationship Between Insomnia, Sleep Apnea and Nightmares in Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.


Elena Stuewe, Katherine Malcolm, Steven H Woodward, Leslie M Yack, Thomas J Metzler, David P G Baquirin, Nikhila S Udupa, Emily J Staggs, Thomas C Neylan, Anne Richards

Sleep spindles, stress and PTSD: The state of the science and future directions.

Neurobiology of stress

Nikhilesh Natraj, Anne Richards

P619. An Emotion Processing Function for N2 Sleep Spindles in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

Biological psychiatry

Nikhilesh Natraj, Thomas Neylan, Leslie Yack, Thomas Metzler, Daniel Mathalon, Anne Richards

Ventromedial and insular cortical volume moderates the relationship between BDNF Val66Met and threat sensitivity.

Journal of psychiatric research

Young DA, Chao LL, Zhang H, Metzler T, Ross J, Richards A, O'Donovan A, Inslicht SS, Neylan TC

047 Fear-Potentiated Startle and Sleep in Trauma-Exposed Men and Women with and without PTSD.


Anne Richards, Sabra Inslicht, J Russell Huie, Leslie Yack, Laura Straus, Kim Felmingham, Steve Woodward, Thomas Neylan

048 Increased Cognitive Load Under Stress Modulates Sleep Spindles and Slow Oscillations in a Sleep-Stage Dependent Manner.


Nikhilesh Natraj, Thomas Neylan, Leslie Yack, Daniel Mathalon, Anne Richards

Examining the Effect of Sleep Disruption on the Neural Correlates of Fear Extinction.

Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging

Straus LD, Richards A, Inslicht SS, Dolsen MR, Neylan TC

Acute Cognitive Effects of the Hypocretin Receptor Antagonist Almorexant Relative to Zolpidem and Placebo: A Randomized Clinical Trial.


Neylan TC, Richards A, Metzler TJ, Ruoff LM, Varbel J, O'Donovan A, Sivasubramanian M, Motraghi T, Hlavin J, Batki SL, Inslicht SS, Samuelson K, Morairty SR, Kilduff TS

Validation of Sleep Measurement in a Multi-Sensor Consumer Grade Wearable Device in Healthy Young Adults.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Kanady JC, Ruoff L, Straus LD, Varbel J, Metzler T, Richards A, Inslicht SS, O'Donovan A, Hlavin J, Neylan TC

1074 Fear Reactivity And Sleep In Trauma-Exposed Males And Females With And Without PTSD.


C Dukes, S Inslicht, S Q Hubachek, L Straus, L Ruoff, R Huie, K Felmingham, S Woodward, T C Neylan, A Richards

Effects of sleep duration, time-of-day, and synchrony with circadian preference on flanker-task performance in internet braingame users from teens to advanced age.

Sleep medicine

A. Richards, J. Kanady, R. Huie, L. Straus, S. Inslicht, A. Levihn-Coon, T. Metzler, T. Neylan

Gender Differences in Threat Biases: Trauma Type Matters in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

Journal of traumatic stress

Cowden Hindash AH, Lujan C, Howard M, O'Donovan A, Richards A, Neylan TC, Inslicht SS

Sleep disturbance in PTSD and other anxiety-related disorders: an updated review.

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Richards A, Kanady JC, Neylan TC

Altered overnight levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in men and women with posttraumatic stress disorder.


Küffer A, Straus LD, Prather AA, Inslicht SS, Richards A, Shigenaga JK, Madden E, Metzler TJ, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A

Total Sleep Time Interacts With Age to Predict Cognitive Performance Among Adults.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Mohlenhoff BS, Insel PS, Mackin RS, Neylan TC, Flenniken D, Nosheny R, Richards A, Maruff P, Weiner MW

Effects of Threat Context, Trauma History, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Status on Physiological Startle Reactivity in Gulf War Veterans.

Journal of traumatic stress

Niles AN, Luxenberg A, Neylan TC, Inslicht SS, Richards A, Metzler TJ, Hlavin J, Deng J, O'Donovan A

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Reduces Fear of Sleep in Individuals With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Kanady JC, Talbot LS, Maguen S, Straus LD, Richards A, Ruoff L, Metzler TJ, Neylan TC

The interaction of BDNF Val66Met, PTSD, and child abuse on psychophysiological reactivity and HPA axis function in a sample of Gulf War Veterans.

Journal of affective disorders

Young DA, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A, Metzler T, Richards A, Ross JA, Inslicht SS

An Open-Label Study of Doxazosin Extended-Release for PTSD: Findings and Recommendations for Future Research on Doxazosin.

Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing)

Richards A, Inslicht S, Ruoff LM, Metzler TJ, Goldstein LA, Chapman CM, Hubachek SQ, Neylan TC

Subjective Sleep Related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Trauma-Exposed Men and Women.

Behavioral sleep medicine

Gibson CJ, Richards A, Villanueva C, Barrientos M, Neylan TC, Inslicht SS

Sleep and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis responses to metyrapone in posttraumatic stress disorder.


Inslicht SS, Rao MN, Richards A, O'Donovan A, Gibson CJ, Baum T, Metzler TJ, Neylan TC

Sleep and Cognitive Performance From Teens To Old Age: More Is Not Better.


Richards A, Inslicht SS, Metzler TJ, Mohlenhoff BS, Rao MN, O'Donovan A, Neylan TC

Metabolic risk factors and posttraumatic stress disorder: the role of sleep in young, healthy adults.

Psychosomatic medicine

Talbot LS, Rao MN, Cohen BE, Richards A, Inslicht SS, O'Donovan A, Maguen S, Metzler TJ, Neylan TC

Hyperinsulinemic response to oral glucose challenge in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder.


Rao MN, Chau A, Madden E, Inslicht S, Talbot L, Richards A, O'Donovan A, Ruoff L, Grunfeld C, Neylan TC

Sex differences in neurosteroid and hormonal responses to metyrapone in posttraumatic stress disorder.


Inslicht SS, Richards A, Madden E, Rao MN, O'Donovan A, Talbot LS, Rucker E, Metzler TJ, Hauger RL, Neylan TC

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled trial.


Talbot LS, Maguen S, Metzler TJ, Schmitz M, McCaslin SE, Richards A, Perlis ML, Posner DA, Weiss B, Ruoff L, Varbel J, Neylan TC

Sex differences in objective measures of sleep in post-traumatic stress disorder and healthy control subjects.

Journal of sleep research

Richards A, Metzler TJ, Ruoff LM, Inslicht SS, Rao M, Talbot LS, Neylan TC

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression and Anxiety Symptoms and Psychosocial Treatment Needs in Colombians Internally Displaced by Armed Conflict: A Mixed-Method Evaluation

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy

Richards, A., Ospina-Duque, J., Barrera-Valencia, M., Escobar-Rincon, J., Ardila-Gutierrez, M., Metzler, T., & Marmar, C.

Patterns of HIV status disclosure to perinatally infected HIV- positive children and subsequent mental health outcomes

Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Mellins, CA., Brackis-Cott, E, Dolezal, C., Richards, A., Nicholas, S. & Abrams, E.